Meeting at the Venus Beach Hotel,
Tomb of the Kings Road,
Meetings are held on 2nd Friday in September and December and 1st Friday in April, (Installation)
Patron of the Masonic
Samaritan Fund.
On 7 April 1998 the Brethren of the Agapinor Lodge No. 8905 voted for the formation of a Royal Arch Chapter. It being recognised that a Royal Arch Chapter was more likely to flourish if it had the support of two Lodges, the then Grand Superintendent delayed approval until another Lodge was formed in the Paphos area.Dionysos Lodge No. 9716 was consecrated on 11 May 2000 in Paphos, as a daughter Lodge of the Agapinor Lodge and the way was open for the consecration of a Royal Arch Chapter.
On 18 October 2000 a steering committee was formed to move the process forward with E. Companion Mervyn E.W. Matthews, P.Dist. GDC, as organising Scribe E. The Agapinor Chapter No. 8905 was consecrated on 6 April 2001 at the Hawaii Grand Hotel Limassol by The Most Honourable The Marquis of Northampton, DL, Most Excellent Pro 1st Grand Principal who had himself only been invested in that office on 14 March 2001.The Most Excellent Pro 1st Grand Principal acknowledged that it was his first consecration of a Royal Arch Chapter and to say it was accomplished with dignity, sincerity and aplomb would be no understatement.
The Chapter had 43 Founder Members. The Most Excellent Pro 1st Grand Principal was assisted by E. Comp. S. F. N. Waley, Grand Superintendent Cyprus as H, E. Comp. The RevDr. Michael Morgan, Grand Superintendent Hants & I of W as J, and E. Comp. J W. Daniel; Grand Scribe E as Scribe E. E. Comp. A. W Hanbury-Bateman, PDepGDC acted as Scribe N, E. Comp. P.G. Lowndes, GDC was D of C, E. Comp. R.W. Cayless was Organist and E. Comp. E.J. Georgiou, PGStB, PDepGSupt Cyprus acted as Janitor.
For further information : E. Comp Kenneth Fickling Tel: 26423270 or 99120749 E-mail : HERE