Meeting at the San Remo Hotel,
1 W. Shakespeare Street,
On 3rd Thursday in October,November, January & February and April (Installation).

In 1998 a number of Royal Arch Companions identified the need for a Chapter to serve the Larnaca – Famagusta area of Cyprus. Some of the Companions, although members of the Royal Arch, had not joined either of the other two Chapters located in Nicosia and Limassol respectively, because of time and travel commitments. Furthermore, there was interest among Brethren of Othello Lodge No. 5670 and Lord Kitchener Lodge No. 3402 who were eligible to be exalted and would support a Chapter in the area mentioned.
A Steering Committee was formed and following sterling work by E. Comp. B.R. Maxfield, the first Z of the new Chapter, E. Comp. P. Schofield and the Founders with donations of furnishings and money, the Chapter was ready for consecration in just one year from its inception.
The Grand Superintendent, in agreeing to the formation of the new Chapter, said that a RoyalArch Chapter ought to receive support from at least two Craft Lodges. The Othello ChapterNo. 5670 was duly consecrated on 13 May 1999 by E. Companion Simon F. N. Waley, (P.G. Supt West Kent) Grand Superintendent in and over Royal Arch Masonry in Cyprus, assisted by District Grand Officers.
The Chapter had 24 Founders and a waiting list of eight candidates for exaltation, which promises a healthy future. It is of interest that the banners and standards for the new Chapter are over 100 years old and in excellent condition.
For further information contact the Scribe E. by email here.