On 20th June 1980 at Jerusalem Street, Limassol, The District Grand Lodge of Cyprus under the U.G.L.E. was Constituted by the Pro Grand Master Most Worshipful the Right Honourable the Earl Cadogan and his officers from Grand Lodge. At this time there were 7 English Constitution Lodges in Cyprus and since 1980 the District of Cyprus has flourished and now has 18 Lodges ranging under it’s banner.

R.W. Bro Michael C. Hadjiconstantas
District Grand Master

V.W. Bro L P Zachariades
Dep District Grand Master

R.W. Bro Michael C. Hadjiconstantas
District Grand Master

W Bro A J Gross
Assistant District Grand Master
District Grand Lodge of Cyprus Acting Officers 2022 – 23
Seated (L to R):
- W Bro D Penelrick PresDistBBen
- W Bro C P Tsikkinis DistGTreas
- W Bro Dr N J Coombes DistSGW
- W Bro Rev Dr E Brooks DistGChap
- V W Bro L P Zachariades PGSwdB DepDistGM
- R W Bro M C Hadjiconstantas DistGM
- W Bro A J Gross PGStB AsstDistGM
- W Bro M Pelides PDistSGW PresDistBGP
- W Bro G Ioannou DistJGW
- W Bro T J Evans DistGSec
- W Bro O B Yenovkian DistGSuptWks
- W Bro Dr A Ashdjian DistGDC
- W Bro L Michaelides DistGTyler
- W Bro K Can DistGStwd
- W Bro W McMenemy DistGOrg
- W Bro M Moore DistAsstGSec
- W Bro S Achillides DistSGD
- W Bro M Hagopian PDistJGD DistGStB
- W Bro C N Jeary DistGSwdB
- W Bro A Nuwayhed DistGStB
- W Bro S Azzi PDistJGW DistGPurs
- W Bro T E Kalogeropoulos DistGMemOff
- W Bro R Hynes DistJGD
- Bro J A J Pietroni DistGInfOff
- W Bro P Kyriacou DistGChStwd
- W Bro HH Judge Y G Antoniades DistGReg
- W Bro D Read DistDepGDC
- W Bro N Paschali DistGMentor
- W Bro F Ondetsi DistGStwd