Jerusalem Street,
On 1st Wednesday, October to December,February to April and June. Installation in October.

The DGM R.W. Bro. Theodosios S. Theodossiou was instrumental in discussions with a group of Brethren who were desirous to join our Constitution and subsequently form a Greek speaking Lodge working in strict Emulation Ritual. These Brethren joined the Greek speaking ‘Zenon 18’ Lodge No.9818 in February 2010. At the October 2010 Regular meeting of ‘Zenon 18’ Lodge the petition to the UGLE was signed for the approval of Lodge Allegoria to be formed. On the 9th March 2011 the Warrant for the formation of the 16th Lodge in the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus was signed.
On the 23rd June 2011 the Consecration Ceremony was Conducted by V. W. Bro Eric Williams PGSwdB; DepDistGM and ‘Allegoria’ Lodge No. 9865 became the first Lodge in the District to work the Emulation Ritual in the Greek language. Thus the dreams of a select band of determined Brethren who were especially enthused with ardor and zeal for Freemasonry became a reality. Allegoria Lodge will focus on philosophical investigations and the Brethren will actively delve in erudite Masonic studies and discussions. In this respect, the founding Brethren thought apt to name the new lodge as “Allegoria”, amongst other, for the following reasons:-
(a) “allegory” has assisted people throughout the ages to ward off prejudice, bigotry and fanaticism and has paved the way for the precedence of Peace, Democracy, Progress and Freedom;
(b) “allegory” is regarded, amongst Freemasons, as the noblest Masonic instrument for unfurling the refined meanings of the Order; and
(c) the term alludes to the undogmatic philosophical methods that were widely used by the Ancient Greeks;
Allegoria Lodge will hold its regular meetings seven times a year commencing in October and ending in June. As it has been noted above, the ceremonies will be performed in the Greek language though any non-Greek speaking Brethren should rest assured that they will be affectionately received, should they wish to attend and easily follow the Ceremonies since they will be in strict Emulation Ritual.
For further information contact the the lodge Secretary by email here.