Meeting at the The LKL Lodge Rooms Dhekelia
On 2nd Mondays of October, November, January, February March (Installation)

In 2004 it became apparent that a number of Freemasons had decided to permanently reside in the Kyrenia area of Cyprus. These Brethren, from English, Scottish and Irish Constitutions proceeded to recognize each other whilst attending various social events; eventually a ‘private’ gathering took place, the result of which was to pursue the possibility of raising of a new lodge essentially, but not exclusively, for Masons living in the Kyrenia and adjacent areas of the Island.
This objective was relayed to the District Grand Master of Cyprus, who eagerly grasp the opportunity to offer assistance and advice with a view to consecrating a new Lodge. The DGM and the Past District Grand Master, R W Bro S Waley visited the interested Brethren and warned them that they could not hold meetings, including Lodge of Instruction or rehearsals, in the occupied part of the Island until an complete freedom of movement is established and a final settlement had been reached. Following a further meeting at the Courtyard Inn in 2004, plans were laid to form the new lodge. The DGM suggested that it should be known as Bellapais Lodge, after the famous Abbey which nestles in the Five Fingers Mountain Range above Kyrenia.
After many false starts, unexpected hurdles and the dedicated efforts of a select band of determined and committed brethren, the Bellapais Lodge was Consecrated on 24th October 2009 in Limassol by the District Grand Master RW Bro Totos Theodossiou with the first Worshipful Master being W.Bro Ken Price PPGSwdB (South Wales).
The second Worshipful Master of the Lodge (2010-2011) is W.Bro John Goodison PPGStB (Middlesex). The Worshipful Master was initiated into The Rose of England Lodge, Kenton, Harrow Middlesex in 1987, and then joined The Perfect Ashlar Lodge, Clerkenwell, London in 1990. He became the Worshipful Master of The Perfect Ashlar Lodge in 1992 and again in 2008 and was Master of his Mother Lodge, Rose of England, in 1994. The Warrant of the Lodge dated 11th March 2009 was announced in the Report of the Board of General Purposes during the Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge on 10th June 2009.
The Lodge holds its regular meetings at the Othello Lodge Rooms based at The San Remo Hotel in Larnaca on the second Mondays in October, November, January, February and March (Installation). It is hoped that once an agreeable settlement to the political situation on the island of Cyprus has been resolved the Bellapais Lodge 9847 will be able re-locate to suitable premises in the general area of Kyrenia.
For further information contact the lodge Secretary by email here.