The Masonic Rooms, Ermou Street, Paphos.
On 2nd Thursday of April (Installation), May, June, September, October and November.
The increasing membership of the Agapinor Lodge No. 8905, due to Masonic expatriates taking up residence in the area and a growing number of applications for initiation, meant that with Lodge membership about 80 it would be a long time before an initiate reached the Chair of KS.
Serious consideration was given to founding another Lodge in the Paphos area, to ease this problem and to retain the interest of Brethren. Having another Lodge in the area would also allow for the future consecration of a Royal Arch Chapter, the ideal of having two Craft Lodges to support a Chapter then being met.
A steering committee was formed in May 1999 and the District Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Simon F.N. Waley, PProvGM (West Kent), consecrated the Lodge on 11 May 2000, assisted by District Grand Officers. W. Bro. P. G. Georgiades, DistSGW,LGR,PProvGStB (Middx & Surrey), at the age of 80, had the idea to form the new Lodge and he was the Master Designate. He performed the first ceremony of initiation on 21 September 2000, with great emotion, unassisted by anyone.
As with all committees, much of the burden of organising the Petition, recording details of founders and obtaining clearance certificates, acquiring the lodge furniture and regalia and obtaining approval for the Lodge Founder’s Jewel fell to the then Secretary W.Bro. J.R. James, PresDistBBen. The Lodge was established with 58 founder members and has gone from strength to strength, the current membership being about 80..
It is of interest that the rough and smooth ashlars for the new Lodge were cut from King Solomon’s Quarries in Israel and presented to the Lodge by R.W.Bro. J. Daniel, Grand Superintendent, District of Southern Israel, on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Israel.
The Lodge takes its name from Dionysos the Greek God of wine and happiness and the emblem on the Lodge jewel and banner is taken from a mosaic in Paphos depicting the head of Dionysos. Bona-fide Masons are always welcome at our meetings and advance booking is not required.
For more Information contact the lodge Secretary by email here.