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Zenon 18 Lodge No. 9818

Meeting at the Apollo Rooms,

On 1st Mondays of October to April Installation in February.


Zenon 18 Lodge No. 9818 was consecrated on 20 May 2006 by the District Grand Master and a team of 10 Consecrating Officers and since then has flourished as a Lodge under the United Grand Lodge of England. Several of the 36 Founder members were at that time also members of the Grand Lodge of Greece’s Zenon 18, which illustrated the strong fraternal bond between the members of bond of these two Lodges.

The choice of the name of Philosopher Zenon of Kitium to be given to the Lodge has been successful for he was the founder of stoicism. Originally he was a merchant since that was a family trade. He turned to philosophy when he was ruined financially because of a shipwreck losing all his goods and exclaimed the famous phrase written down by Plutarch,

‘ Hear, Fortune, you are acting so that we can meet in the Lodge with the mantle’

The whole philosophy of the stoics is part of the Masonic light. Zenon believed in the ‘ World being a city’, considering brothers all the people living on the Earth. He used to preach the ‘composure’ that is the extirpation of evil and the virtuous life.

For further information contact the lodge Secretary by email here.

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