The District Grand Master, RW Bro Michael Hadjiconstantas, accompanied by the Assistant District Grand Master, W Bro Leandros Zachariades, District Officers and other members of our District visited the Grand Lodge of Greece on the 6th of December to present to the Grand Lodge of Greece our donation to the people of Mati, who suffered from last Summer’s fire. For a Greek version please see the pdf at the end of the article.

The District Grand Master, RW Bro Michael Hadjiconstantas presents a cheque for €15,000 to the Grand Master of Greece, MW Bro Constantinos Politis.
On arriving to Athens, we were welcomed by the Grand Treasurer RW Bro Pavlos Sarof and other members of the Grand Lodge of Greece.
The Grand Master of Greece, MW Bro Constantinos Politis hosted a most enjoyable luncheon in our honour at a famous Athens restaurant. Joining us at the table were the Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Greece, MW Bro George Vasilogiorgis, the Grand Treasurer RW Bro Pavlos Sarof, our own Assistant District Grand Master W Bro Leandros Zachariades, and the rest of the Brethren of the DistGM’s delegation.
On that evening, we attended a joint meeting of Asklipios Lodge No. 159, Pistis Lodge No. 71 and Vyzantion Lodge No. 60, at the newly erected magnificent Masonic Centre at Kifissia. The Temple was filled to its capacity with over 180 Brethren in attendance, and, unfortunately many latecomers had to remain outside. Our original delegation of nine was enhanced by the arrival of a dozen members of King Tefkros Lodge No. 9786 who reside in Athens, headed by the WM of the Lodge and his Wardens, and also including Past Masters of the Lodge and holders of District Grand Rank.
Our District delegation was ceremoniously escorted into the Lodge in procession. The Pro Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Greece entered together with our Assistant District Grand Master. The MW the Grand Master of Greece then entered the Lodge with our District Grand Master. After the Lodge was opened, the Grand Master took the Chair to welcome us. In a most powerful and eloquent address, the Grand Master acknowledged the international senior and prestigious position of the United Grand Lodge of England and the symbolism of our visit, and recognised this as the beginning of a new chapter in our relations and a strengthening of the fraternal bonds between the Grand Lodge of Greece and UGLE via the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus.

The Grand Master of Greece, MW Bro Constantinos Politis presents to our District Grand Master, RW Bro Michael Hadjiconstantas the Certificate of the Grand Lodge of Greece confirming this honorary membership and a gold coin bearing its insignia.
Our District Grand Master presented a cheque for €15,000 to MW Bro Constantinos Politis and in his reply stressed that our trust in the Grand Lodge of Greece was best placed, to ensure the money collected from our Lodges would be most effectively used to assist those in need following the catastrophic fires in Attica this summer. The Grand Master thanked the Brethren from Cyprus and assured them that this sum would be faithfully applied to the worthy cause for which it was given. He then announced that the Council of the Grand Lodge of Greece had unanimously decided to proclaim RW Bro Michael Hadjiconstantas an Honorary Member of the Grand Lodge of Greece, in recognition of his efforts to bring about the unity of the Brethren in Cyprus and those in Greece. Our DGM was then presented with the Certificate of the Grand Lodge of Greece confirming this honorary membership and a gold coin bearing its insignia.

WBro Leandros Zachariades, PAGDC, AsstDistGM, RWBro Theodosios Tasios, PSGW (Greece), MWBro Constantinos Politis, GM (Greece), RWBro Michael Hadjiconstantas, DistGM, RWBro Pavlos Sarof, GTreas (Greece), WBro Anthony Gross, PGStB
The meeting then continued with a lecture presented by the PSGW of the GL of Greece, RW Bro Theodosios Tasios, on the symbolism of the Opening of the Lodge in the First Degree. The delegations then retired from the Lodge. All the Brethren assembled then retired to the Festive Board held in the Masonic Centre at Kifissia.
We were all touched by the truly warm welcome and generous hospitality from the brethren of the Grand Lodge of Greece and felt a lot of pride of being members of our universal Fraternity.
Η Περιφερειακή Μεγάλη Στοά της Κύπρου στην Ελλάδα με δωρεά €15.000