A letter of thanks from the President of Cyprus

A letter of thanks from the President of Cyprus

Slide 1 - copyA letter from the President to the DGLC A letter from the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades thanking the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus for its €25,000 donation towards efforts to limit the spread of Covid-19. (click to...
Supreme Grand Chapter in the District of Cyprus Appointments

Supreme Grand Chapter in the District of Cyprus Appointments

Slide 1 - copySupreme Grand Chapter in the District of Cyprus Promotions & Appointments The Most Excellent The First Grand Principal, His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent, KG, has been pleased to Promote / Appoint the following Companions of the District of Cyprus...

District of Cyprus Charitable Activity – from 2001

Slide 1 - copyDistrict of Cyprus Charitable Activity – from 2001 Over recent years the District of Cyprus has donated a considerable amount of money to worthy causes. This in the main is due to the support given by the Lodges and Chapters within the District. What is...
DGLC guidance for lodges and chapters on the Coronavirus

DGLC guidance for lodges and chapters on the Coronavirus

Slide 1 - copyCoronaVirus Guidance - DGLC There are some concerns regarding Lodges / Chapters being unable to hold a meeting due to non-attendance of members during the current Coronavirus situation. To enable you to deal with this situation, you are urged to follow...
DGLC guidance for lodges and chapters on the Coronavirus

Suspension of Masonic Activities in Cyprus

Slide 1 - copyCoronaVirus Guidance - DGLC Suspension of Masonic Activities On 8 January 2021 the President of the Republic of Cyprus , Mr Nicos Anastasiades, announced further strict measures with a view to preventing the spread of the coronavirus disease COVID-19,...