Presentation of a 50 Year Certificate

Presentation of a 50 Year Certificate

Slide 1 - copyMembers News & Articles Presentation of a 50 Year Certificate At the Peace and Harmony Lodge Number 9852 meeting of Monday 23rd September 2021, which had as the main item on the agenda the passing of Bro Hadjiminas, a rare occasion occurred. A 50...
The Installation Meeting of Lusignan Lodge

The Installation Meeting of Lusignan Lodge

Slide 1 - copyMembers News & Articles The Installation meeting of Lusignan Lodge No 7453 On Tuesday the 23rd of November 2021 the Installation meeting of Lusignan Lodge No. 7453 took place at the ‘Semeli’ Hotel, Nicosia. In the presence of about 50 Brethren...
The District Banners Dedication Ceremony

The District Banners Dedication Ceremony

Slide 1 - copy The District Banners Dedication Ceremony During the 66th Regular Meeting of King Tefkros Lodge No 9786 on November 13th 2021 at ‘Semeli’ Hotel, Nicosia, the ceremony of Dedication of the Banners of the District Grand Lodge of Cyprus took place. In the...
New-look Teddies for the hospitals in Cyprus

New-look Teddies for the hospitals in Cyprus

Slide 1 - copyNew-look Teddies for TLC Established by Essex Freemasons in 2001, TLC is now an international programme, locally led on the Island of Cyprus by Freemasons. W Bro Maurice Stephenson launched the Teddy Loving Care initiative for Cyprus at Paphos General...
A 40 Year Historical Journey (1980 – 2020)

A 40 Year Historical Journey (1980 – 2020)

Slide 1 - copy The History of Freemasonry in Cyprus is a must have for every Freemason. This Book covers some 200 years of English Freemasonry in the Eastern Mediterranean. Majoring on the Grand Lodge of Cyprus and its 18 Masonic Lodges, the book is available now from...